05 JunSleepMorePackaging design for SleepMore dietary supplement, manufactured by Hemofarm, a leading pharmaceutical company in Serbia and the region. These pills,…
04 MayLe Nonne Pasta FrescaVisual identity for the Le Nonne Pasta Fresca fresh pasta shop located in Belgrade. This manufacturer makes homemade pasta according…
05 AprFerriMorePackaging design for FerriMore, a dietary supplement which provides a source of iron and vitamin C. We designed three types…
05 MarHextendPackaging design for Hextend. This medicine contains hexetidine, which has an antibacterial and antifungal effect and is used to treat…
15 Jan12 volcanic eruptions in IcelandLandsbankinn, a bank based in Reykjavik, published a 2018 Calendar dedicated to Iceland’s history, its origins, geological activities and volcanic…
12 DecDima ExhibitionDesign of the posters for the exhibition “Enthusiast Flies to Belgrade” by graphic designer Dima Pantyushin from Moscow, which was…
06 NovHead on the BlockDesign and layout of Borka Pavićević’s book Head on the Block (Serbian: Glava u torbi), a collection of the columns…
12 SepErgomadeVisual identity for Ergomade, a Danish family-owned company which produces furniture in eastern Serbia. Their vision is to raise the…
07 JunUntitledNew visual identity for Belgrade based deli and wine bar Cveće Zla (Les fleurs du mal).
06 JunKafeterija websiteWebsite design for Cafeteria, one of the largest coffee shop chains in Serbia. A special segment of this work was…
05 JunThiomucaseRedesign of Thiomucase Anticellulite Gel. It is a cosmetic product with two decades of tradition, and an established and trusted…
04 NovGerman Design AwardWe have won the “Special mention” award in the Excellent Communications Design category for the visual identity of the Tuna…